Case Study: BNI


Client Name : BNI

BNI members have a KPI-based system that helps to keep a track of all the metrics and helps in the audit process as well.

The recognition program is also based on this system and members punch in their details on a weekly basis and then a monthly report can be generated which is a summary of what has been achieved within the month. The scoring system helps the members to see which KPI has been achieved and which is pending.

Industry : Referral Networking

Technology Used : PHP ( Laravel), MySql

Challanges :

BNI members have a KPI-based system that helps to keep a track of all the metrics and helps in the audit process as well.

The recognition program is also based on this system and members punch in their details on a weekly basis and then a monthly report can be generated which is a summary of what has been achieved within the month. The scoring system helps the members to see which KPI has been achieved and which is pending.

Solution :

Adri IT being a member of BNI identified the gap. The members had to refer the manual from time to time to understand the scoring system and the associated KPIs or look back at the old data to identify how many points they were lacking to achieve any particular KPI.

Since recognition programs, awards and badges were based on this scoring system, it made sense to develop software that can calculate the score for you based on the scoring system as well as give you color-coded scores to make score recognition easy.

The members just had to upload the excel they had and the points will be calculated for them automatically. The system also gave them a projection for the coming months. This gave the members clarity on where they need to reach and which KPI they are lacking in or have achieved the required points.

The BNI members could easily see the color code and estimate which KPI they have to fulfill to get the desired award. They could also use the projection section to see the impact they had to create in the coming months.

Outcome :
  • The software was implemented across the Vadodara BNI chapter
  • Graphical Representation of data made it easy to understand
  • 3 months forecasting became possible
  • Plan of Action for each Member could be generated
  • Scalability of the software allows it to be implemented across different locations